Berkshire Acupuncture Clinics Ascot & Bracknell - Acupuncture for Pregnancy, Fertility, Menopause, Stress

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Anxiety. Stress. Tension. Worry. WHY?


You used to be a happy, carefree young woman?

And stress and worry occur more easily in your daily life than they used to. Good news is its very likely NOT your mind and heart failing you. You are not falling apart! Your new habit of worrying about everything doesnt mean youre doomed for a life of unhappiness forever.

Medical as well as emotional changes in the body are almost never from just ONE circumstance. 99% of the time there are influences from 3 to 4 different issues. They all vye for the biggest role in wreaking havoc with your wellness! They can be from daily life situations or health issues deep inside.

BUT, one thing for sure….

There is no doubt that hormonal changes in our bodies (especially at menopause or near periods) play games with our emotions. When these changes start to happen consistently, or like in menopause, becomes a new constant state of being….it leads us to change our thoughts and feeling, and thus our personalities even permanently. Without our consent!

We can be mindful of our hormonal health though…very easily in fact.

Hormones DON’T have to control us. Consider the word MODERATION as a mantra in your lifestyle. Everything good, everything bad……if you do it in small (moderate) amounts your genius ‘body & mind’ can handle anything you throw at it. If you never shock it, ignore it, or overwork it to exhaustion, you can have total faith in your healing and wellness abilities, FOREVER. Yes it will change over the years, and sometimes need more attention than other times, but that’s where listening to your body comes in and respecting it when alarm bells are sounding.

When you learn to listen to, and respect, what the ‘body & mind’ are signalling, you then recognise the stress and anxiety in your life before it’s tool late, (Illness). And choosing to moderate alwyas behaviours and thoughts through listening… it can lead you to find sources of strength and healing.

Acupuncture is one of those nourishing and restorative sources, to balance the body and mind, and cope with hormonal stress that can change us as people, or cause great stress in our daily lives.

Just like 3 or 4 things that will cause stress or hormone imbalance, you have 3 or 4 things to fight it in equal measuere!

  1. MODERATION in everything

  2. Always LISTEN to your body

  3. Get healing help, ie., ACUPUNCTURE

  4. Have FAITH in your own ability

No Adrenal Burn-out. Just Wellness.

Being calm and relaxed is not just emotionally nourishing but it feeds the endurance of your organs, mind and muscles.

Years of unmitigated stress is not just taxing on the body, it can literally push adrenal glands into exhaustion and eventual failure!

Acupuncture has been shown to naturally enhance hormone function in the body (especially endorphins) which can help neutralise the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, often the drivers of continued physical and emotional stress.