
PMT: Pre-Menstrual Tension - How Do I Relieve The Discomfort??



Almost all women of age suffer with PMT at one time or another, if not all their lives. This simply doesn’t have to be the way. Gentle and nourishing ACUPUNCTURE is generally a pleasant and relaxing experience, and balances hormones so well that PMT quickly becomes a thing of the past. 

Imagine your monthly PMT gone, forever. 




PMS is associated with imbalanced levels of progesterone and excess oestrogen and can be responsible for many physical and emotional symptoms in the days leading to menstruation: 

  • Mood swings

  • Food cravings

  • Depression

  • Bloating and Fluid

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches

These symptoms vary from woman to woman but can begin as much as two weeks before a period and usually end an hour to a few days after the onset of menstruation. About half of all women regularly suffer from PMT and up to 10% suffer from extreme symptoms. 



  • Increase intake of mineral water, and drink herbal teas

  • Ensure you eat lean sources of protein including chicken, fresh fish, turkey and non animal based protein including legumes, pulses, lentils, brown rice and nuts

  • Eat regular meals and small snacks, and include some protein with each snack and meal

  • Increase dietary fibre by including some nuts and seeds, whole grains, lots of veg

  • Increase your intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs) through consumption of oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, plus avocado, nuts and seeds (no peanuts)

  • Phytoestrogens (found abundantly in soy products) may exert a balancing effect when oestrogen levels are elevated. (legumes, seeds, soy, beans, plant proteins)

  • Take a good multivitamin/mineral tablet daily as directed.


Treating Depression: Dont be S.A.D.!!!

Depression, Mood and Acupuncture

Darker longer days…. cooler, wetter weather:

It doesn’t have to mean depressed thoughts

OR Seasonal Affect Disorder.


Misty cold mornings and dreary skies don’t have to mean your moods are the same!

Misty cold mornings and dreary skies don’t have to mean your moods are the same!

This autumn turn your expected gloomy and glum mood into lifted spirits, beautiful appreciation, and unexpected joy over the marvel that is the official change of season.

As someone who spent half her life in very sunny, very hot climates in America, I came to England with the expectation of enjoying some sorely missed rain. It turns out I lacked an appreciation for the sunshine I had for so many years, but now that Ive been in England for so long, I learned I relish more than anything not the cold, not the hot, but the actual CHANGE itself. Seasonal change. Always brings the good with the bad, but more so it brings renewed LIFE.

Every seasonal change is a new opportunity to embrace positive actions and release negative stagnation.

Who doesn’t want that?

But….instead what I see year after year in clinic is the onset of colder weather making people frown, worry about shorter days, get anxious over expecting to feel sad and lonely and cold.

It so does NOT have to be that way. EVER. The eternal YIN/Yang symbol, that black and white circle every one is kind of familiar with, dictates the laws that life is ever-changing, ever-flowing, and circular within itself because that is how our energy flows to create good health.

Meaning when we resist change and flow and progress it goes against nature. And when we try to fight the natural state of things, so often we find that we become unhappy.

In more clinical terms we gradually lose our level of endorphins- those feel-good chemicals our bodies produce to keep our moods happy. And once that happens in the ever-flowing, circular systems, our mind and body begins to fold in on itself as one chemical after another becomes imbalanced due to knock on effects.

Result: Imbalanced Hormones leading to depression, anxiety, stress, worry, fear, sadness, lethargy

So, whats the answer? Acupuncture can play a huge role in taking action.

walking is as great way to prevent depression from taking hold, bundle up and be brisk!

walking is as great way to prevent depression from taking hold, bundle up and be brisk!

How does acupuncture treat depression?

Depression is a very different experience for each individual and diagnosing the unique pattern of disharmony is at the heart of traditional acupuncture’s approach to treatment.

In order to arrive at the appropriate diagnosis the acupuncturist will usually take a full case history and discuss symptoms and physical information through minor examination.

Each diagnosis is bespoke and point selection is based on the individual’s needs and may vary from person to person and week to week. Example, one week we might do a session on the back and the next week we do a session with needles on the front of the body.

Don’t let seasonal cooler weather and darker days get you down, acupuncture can lift spirits!

Don’t let seasonal cooler weather and darker days get you down, acupuncture can lift spirits!

Usually a standard course is about 6 sessions, some chronic conditions take longer.

Is there Anything I Can Do?

Being treated with Acupuncture is not just about having something “done to” you. It is also about taking steps to actively manage your own health and wellbeing and treatment is a partnership between patient and practitioner. At this clinic we will guide you through your entire journey, always address your concerns or questions. and really listen to what’s going on with you, because that is the only way we can really treat the core of the issue, not just mask symptoms like so many drugs do.

Diet has a major impact on our health and there are many studies confirming the dramatic effect that nutrition has on our mental/emotional wellbeing. If you don’t know where to start or feel to unmotivated to eat properly or at all, talk to us in the clinic we can get you started and there is the option of introducing some vitamin supplements and education on necessities like fish oils and other essential fatty acids, for example.

Exercise and movement. The more the better but even a short walk everyday starts the healing. Movement choices and exercise programmes are usually discussed as options in session.

And volunteering, any activity you take initiative to begin sets you on a path to pride and boosted endorphin activity!

Combine those with a course of acupuncture and you are on your way to super star healing and feeling joy in the movement, the CHANGE, of life around you, whatever the weather might bring!!!

Call today and see how we at Thames Acupuncture could boost your mood, your outlook and your healthy happiness this coming winter! Bbrbrrr!!

Your Acupuncture Challenge, NOW: Stress Awareness Day

Release anxious feelings,

promote relaxation &

find ultimate well-being


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National Stress Awareness Day: November 2


Relieve STRESS:

Take the Acupuncture Challenge!

Get STRESS FREE in just 3 Acupuncture sessions...



Get yourself balanced, calm and relaxed in time for National Stress Awareness Day this November 2nd, and spend the day sharing your good fortune and happy disposition with others.

This time don't be a victim of the day, but be the catalyst to help others find the inner peace and calm you've now found, just through three sessions of relaxation acupuncture.


Worrying, anxiety and stress on the emotional mind can have negative health effects.

The symptoms:

  • disturbed sleep and eating patterns
  • feeling of inability to cope
  • loss of confidence
  • difficulty in concentrating and making decisions
  • headaches
  • stomach upsets, feeling sick, butterflies
  • emotional distress
  • depleted immune system
  • irritability
  • feeling de-energised

Because acupuncture can have a full effect on the whole body, the metabolic system in charge of adrenaline and all our other hormones can be gently persuaded, through gentle acupuncture, to operate more efficiently and recognise when our body and mind needs to calm down.

Its a vehicle to encourage your body to see how to heal itself. Beautiful! 

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Take Action

If you feel worried, anxious and stressed...

Some of these suggestions may work for you:


  • Take Action - evaluate all your options, then make a decision and act on it. There is often something you can practically do about a situation you are worried or anxious about. Consider each worry one by one, Then ask yourself, on a scale of 1 – 10 (where 1 is slightly worrying and 10 is extremely worrying) How important is this worry? if its under 5, release it for another day.
  • Positive Thinking - ban the word 'worry'... and say concern, issue, problem dilemma, challenge instead.
  • Talk to friends - they may be able to suggest a possible course of action or solution. Worry is often a habit, doing a ‘reality check’ with others can help you to change your thinking from negative to positive
  • Write it down! - Worrying often happens when you are trying to go to sleep. Keep a notepad by the bed, write it down and tell yourself you will deal with it in the morning. 
  • Relaxation - this is another excellent way to cultivate the habit of postponing worry. Talk to yoru acupuncturist about relaxation breath techniques, body movements, and mindful exercises
  • Physical activity - Regular exercise helps improve mood and encourages sense of well-being. It’s good for the heart as well as the head! Exercise changes the focus from the mind to the body by relieving tension and metabolising excess adrenalin. You don't have to become a cardio gym pro, a good steady walk outdoors is effective too.
  • Improve your diet - Eating well at regular intervals can help stablise blood sugar levels,avoiding jittery feelings that contribute to your state of mind. Alcoho, caffeinel and smoking affect mood.... so consider reducing or stopping if worry and stress is really getting to you. And ask your acupuncturist or nutritionist about which times of day to take viatmins as they can have an effect on sleep quality
  • Complementary therapies - Not on;y acupuncture but many others are wonderful for encouraging wellbeing and calm. Consult a qualified practitioner who can look at you as a whole person. There are many options that can help including, yoga, massage, acupuncture, reflexology and aromatherapy
  • Psychotherapy/counselling/medication – these options may be needed for extreme worry that leads to constant anxiety. If you suffer with severe symptoms and seek counselling your GP may a good resource to direct you to therapy..


Useful UK Contacts

UK Organisations

Health and Safety Executive
Advice for work related stress

British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
T: 01254 875 277
Can provide details of accredited therapists.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
T: 0870 443 5252
See their website for a list of practitioners in your area.

The British Psychological Society
T: 0116 252 9904

The British Osteopathic Association (BOA)
British Osteopathic Association 3 Park Terrace Manor Road Luton LU1 3HN
T: 01582 488455
F: 01582 481533

The Institute for Complimentary Medicine (IMC)
T: 0207 237 5165
Provides information on complimentary medicine.

No Panic
T: 0808 808 0545 – Helpline
Helpline for people experiencing anxiety disorders.

National Phobics Society
T: 0870 122 2325 – Helpline
Information and support for those with anxiety disorders.

Depression Alliance
T: 0845 123 2310
UK’s leading depression charity with a network of self-help groups.

The Sleep Council


Relate (Relationships)

Workplace Bullying


National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH)

United Kingdom Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations (UKCHO)

Stress Management Society

Stress Management with Melatonin
W: Information on hGH



Stress Awareness Month This April- Dont miss your chance

As a practitioner I am always aware of the new causes and weeks designated to health awareness issues. They are a really good reminder to us all to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. But for this particular topic, STRESS, it is an absolute must that they designated an entire month to it, and rightly so!

I can honestly say more then 85% of the patients Ive been treating over 14 years are in some element receiving treatment towards their stress levels. They might see me for menstrual issues, a bad back, an IVF cycle, or even constipation. Stress, stress, stress and more stress.

It's the root cause of so many physical ailments our bodies experience.

I'm forever quoting random snippets of ancient wisdom I learn to my patients. One of my favourites Ive learned:  'For every emotional event in your life, there is a physical response in your body.'

Physical wellness and emotional health just cannot and should never be separated. 

The brightness of our eyes comes from something as simple as a moment of laughter. We laugh because we were warmed in our hearts by something truly funny!  An emotional root cause.

This month is the perfect excuse to take the plunge and explore the dichotomy of your own emotional wellness in relation to your physical health. It's like the ancient Chinese symbol of yin and yang: the law which recognises one cannot exist without the other.

Whilst one receives from the other, it also gives just as much in return. Equals and opposites at the same time!

Nature's way of empowering us and balancing us. 

The genius machines we are have their own natural healing response. Acupuncture stimulates that healing mechanism. And in return we find healing doesn't just occur in our physical bodies but in our equal partner element, the emotions. Those are the governors of stress and anxiety. But that means they equally govern joy, laughter, happiness and love! Awareness of unhealthy stress levels means you can actively seek out their opposite, peace and joy, and find optimum health with gentle and natural healing responses from acupuncture!