Pregnancy Acupuncture:

Prenatal, Labour and Birth, Postnatal SUPPORT

For over fifteen years Jess has been highly acclaimed for specialist services in Maternity Reflexology and Pregnancy Support Acupuncture. Jess works regularly with local hospital maternity units and staff, and has a referral network with local independent midwives and doulas.  Jess's programme can simplify and map out your treatment needs at each stage, and reassure you that you're taking healthy strides as we see you all the way through birth and labour and take care of YOU after the birth.

From Preconception to Post Natal: Induction, Breech, Nausea relief

From Preconception to Post Natal: Induction, Breech, Nausea relief

early pregnancy acupuncture

Morning Sickness. Headache. Heartburn. Constipation. Nausea. Worry. Aches. Insomnia. More…

you can say no

Let us help you quickly and naturally recover from early pregnancy conditions, or better yet prevent them!

These are symptoms we always see in our clinic, often the most quick and successful to fix! There is no reason why a pregnant woman has to live with these unpleasant symptoms. Ingesting chemicals or drugs at this time is NOT an option. It’s all important to seek out the best natural medicine available to get your life and wellness back. Make this a time you can embrace with joy, not misery, pain or tears!


Support through maternity Stages


For 3 to 4 months prior to conception, a healthy lifestyle plan is optimal for the best quality sperm and egg health. Bi-weekly Acupuncture for reproductive strength is beneficial during this time, as well as Reflexology and special nutrition, with complete guidance offered at clinic.

1st Trimester (0-12 weeks)

This can be a delicate time with increased risk of miscarriage, especially after IVF, and potential for symptoms including nausea and discomfort. Weekly or bi-weekly Acupuncture is recommended to help enhance hormones and ease discomfiture.

2nd Trimester (13-28 weeks)

Acupuncture or Maternity Reflexology is recommended bi-weekly or as a minimum monthly. Symptoms will be discussed at length and are treated depending on their severity and your energy levels

Specialised Acupuncture for Every Stage of Maternity

Specialised Acupuncture for Every Stage of Maternity

 3rd Trimester (29-40 weeks)

Bi-weekly to monthly Maternity Reflexology or Acupuncture recommended through week 36. Special presentations often crop up at this stage and are treated accordingly and promptly. 

Post-Natal Care

The body is exhausted and in recovery. Three sessions over three weeks is recommended, directly following birth, the first session within 7-10 days after birth. Treatments are caring, calm and gentle. We will use soft, warming therapy warm on the womb, nourishing healing tissues and balancing hormones. Also addresses lactation problems, depression, c-section healing.


Labour Preparation
& birth support

Birth Preparation Acupuncture is an absolute MUST if you want a smooth and successful LABOUR. Just a few sessions of hormone balancing and energy boosting can help your whole BIRTH EXPERIENCE:





Who doesn’t want that.

Birth Prep Acupuncture

We can teach your birth partner how to ease painful contractions during labour!

We can teach your birth partner how to ease painful contractions during labour!

A course for weeks 35-40

Visit us during these final weeks and fully prepare the body for upcoming childbirth.

JUST 4 WEEKLY VISITS help build hormone levels which properly dilate and strengthen the cervix, stimulate mammary glands, increase overall endurance levels and calm your spirit.

Worldwide more couples are taking part in Pre-Birth Acupuncture as studies have shown it decreased the amount of time spent in labour, and the amount of pain was significantly reduced.

Labour Prep: Encouraging a pain-free birth…

Labour Prep: Encouraging a pain-free birth…

By boosting your energy, nourishing the blood in your body, softening ligaments and tendons, preparing the cervix and oxytocin levels to dilate you properly, guiding you with relaxation and building your knowledge, so you know what to expect….

Acupuncture in preparation for Labour & Birth is not only preferable, but essential.

special lessons for you

Birth Acupressure

An essential bonding exercise for you and your birth coach! Helps to naturally deliver your baby together as a team.

Your partner can relieve your pain during contractions and help transitions through birth stages.

Midway through our 4-week prep course is a special session. Experience one-to-one training for you both with Jess. She will guide you and your birth partner hands-on through a series of specialised acupressure techniques.


progression and relief

Special presentations are random and can occur early, but can get severe in the later stages… IF UNTREATED!

Conditions like: Heartburn, SPD (pelvic pain), Back Pain, Gestational Diabetes, UTIs, Haemhorroids, Pre/Eclampsia. And more!

Our Acupuncture is a natural option regularly treating these conditions. It works as a gentle alternative and usually with great success!

Breech Position

Most babies turn to head down position between 28-32 weeks. If by week 33 no turning has occurred it is a great time to try acupuncture and moxibustion.

At your appointment acupuncture is performed and you are taught how to perform daily moxibustion (a heat therapy that stimulates a specific point on the pinky toe) at home.  After one week, if the baby has not turned, you repeat one more acupuncture treatment and another week of daily moxibustion. World studies have shown over 75% success rate and in this clinic over 90%, performed weeks 33 and 36.

Labor Induction

Induction Acupuncture can help encourage late arrivals

Induction Acupuncture can help encourage late arrivals

Inducing Labour with Acupuncture is a procedure used to stimulate uterine contractions during pregnancy, before labour begins, usually with overdue cases.

Acupuncture could help stimulate contractions. These contractions start slowly and gently increase, allowing your body to produce natural endorphins to manage any discomfort.

Induction treatments are preformed by 40 weeks or performed 3 days prior to a medical induction; it is recommended you have acupuncture every 1-2 days until you deliver.